"*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 3 33% This field is hidden when viewing the formDate MM slash DD slash YYYY Name* First Middle Last Street Address*City*State*Zip*Phone*Email* Is any additional information concerning change of name, use of an assumed name or nickname necessary, to enable a check on your work and education record?* Yes No If yes, please explain.*Indicate below all employment positions that you wish to be considered for: Full Time Part Time Sheriff’s and/or Jail Department Parks and Recreation County Highway Government Office – Auditor; Assessor; Clerk; Courts; Recorder; Treasurer Community Corrections and/or Probation Prosecutor’s Office and/or Public Defender’s Office Health Department Other If you selected other, please describe.*Current CDL? Yes No Willing to obtain When are you able to start work?* Employment HistoryEmployersBegin with current or most recent employer. Click the icon to add another.CompanyAddressCity, State, ZipTelephonePositionSupervisorStart DateEnd DateRate of PayReason for Leaving Add Remove Add Remove Add RemoveDepending upon the position you are applying for: If an essential job function requires heavy lifting (50-75 pounds) is there anything that would prevent you from performing this function?* Yes No If yes, please explain.*ReferencesProfessional/Working ReferencesPlease provide 3. Click the icon to add another.NameAddressCity, State, ZipTelephone Add Remove Add Remove Add RemovePersonal References (No Relatives)Please provide 3. Click the icon to add another.NameAddressCity, State, ZipTelephone Add Remove Add Remove Add RemoveHave you ever been employed by Decatur County before?* Yes No If yes, please provide approximate dates and position(s).*Educational BackgroundClick the icon to add another school.SchoolYears Attended/GraduatedDegree earned? When? Add Remove Add Remove AgreementI certify that the information given in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize you to make such investigations and inquiries as may be necessary in arriving at an employment decision. I hereby release employers, schools, or persons from all liability in responding to inquiries in connection with my application. In the event of employment, I understand that false or misleading information given in my application or interview(s) or any omission of information may result in discharge. I understand, also, that I am required to abide by all rules and handbook policies of Decatur County Government &/or the specific department.Signature of Applicant*QuestionnaireIn order to be considered for employment by the recipient(s) of the application, you must fully complete the following questionnaire and sign it.Are you presently being investigated or under a procedure to consider for your discharge for misconduct by your present employer or have you offered a resignation to your previous employer? Yes No If yes, please explain the circumstances.*Have you ever been reprimanded, disciplined, discharged, or asked to resign from a prior position? Yes No If yes, please explain the circumstances.*Have you ever resigned from a prior position without being asked, but under circumstances involving your employer’s investigation of your sexual contact with another person, of mishandling funds, or of criminal conduct resulting in a conviction or criminal penalty? Yes No If yes, please explain the circumstances.*Have you ever been convicted of a Felony? Yes No If yes, explain, in detail, including the date of the charge, the court action, the offense in question, and the address of the court involved.*Are you currently required to register as a sex offender in this or any other jurisdiction? Yes No If yes, explain, in detail, including the date of the charge, the court action, the offense in question, and the address of the court involved.*Conviction of a crime is not an automatic bar to employment. The recipient(s) of this application will consider the nature of the offense, the date of the offense, and the relationship between the offense and the position for which you are applying. Any false or misleading information in this application (or any omissions of information) shall be fully sufficient grounds to refuse to employ or, having been employed, shall be immediate cause for dismissal. My signature below constitutes authorization to check my employment history, including without limitation, evaluations, criminal arrest and conviction record checks, reference checks, and release of investigatory information possessed by any state, local or federal agency. I further authorize those persons, agencies or entities that the recipient(s) of this application contacts in connection with my employment application to fully provide the recipient(s) of this application any information on the matters set forth above. I expressly waive in connection with any request for or provision of such information, any claims, including without limitation, defamation, emotional distress, invasion of privacy, or interference with contractual relations that I might otherwise have against the recipient(s) of this application, its agents and officials or against any provider of such information. EEO The government of Decatur County, Indiana does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, National origin, age, religion, gender identity, veteran or disability status in employment or the provision of services.Signature of Applicant*